Convert Sentinel-1 images data from dB to linear


I would like to use speckle lee refined filter on Sentinel-1 collection. But in every document I found, it says that the input should be linear not in dB. Normally S-1 data in GEE is in dB.

How do I convert it to linear?

Couldn't find any code for that.

var filter = ee.Filter.and(
  ee.Filter.bounds(Map.getBounds(true)),'2022-01-01', '2022-02-01')

var db = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S1_GRD')

// How do I covert db to linear?

Map.addLayer(db, {bands: 'VV,VH,VV', min: -25, max: 0})

Best Answer

You can covert an S1 image in db to linear with this:

ee.Image().expression('pow(10, db / 10)', {
  db:['VV', 'VH'])

However, there are two image collections with S1 imagery, and one of them (COPERNICUS/S1_GRD_FLOAT) already comes in linear. Here's a complete example showing conversion back and forth from db to linear:

var filter = ee.Filter.and(
  ee.Filter.bounds(Map.getBounds(true)),'2022-01-01', '2022-02-01')

var db = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S1_GRD')

var linear = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S1_GRD_FLOAT')
Map.addLayer(db, {bands: 'VV,VH,VV', min: -25, max: 0})  
Map.addLayer(toDb(linear), {bands: 'VV,VH,VV', min: -25, max: 0})
Map.addLayer(toDb(toLinear(db)), {bands: 'VV,VH,VV', min: -25, max: 0})  

function toLinear(db) {
  return db.addBands(
    ee.Image().expression('pow(10, db / 10)', {
      db:['VV', 'VH'])
    null, true // Replace the bands to keep image properties
function toDb(linear) {
  return linear.addBands(
    ee.Image().expression('10 * log10(linear)', {
      linear:['VV', 'VH'])
    null, true // Replace the bands to keep image properties

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