qgis – How to Classify Raster Layer by Number of Equal Values in Given Area Using QGIS


I am using QGIS 3.16.12 – Hannover. I have a binary raster layer which consists of 2 values, either 0 or 1 (in my screenshots, 0 = black, 1 = white). The 1 values are scattered throughout the layer in various clusters, sometimes they are close together and may form a loose clump of 20 plus pixels, but others may only be a single pixel surrounded by 0s. Please see below image for an example of the layer.

Example of binary raster, black = 0 and white = 1

Is there a way to classify or segment this raster layer, so that I can determine clusters of value = 1 pixels (white) in a given area? For example, let me select all value = 1 (white pixels) that have a sum value of greater than 20 within a radius of 20 pixels of each other. Thereby keeping the clusters, but omitting those pixels that are all out by themselves? Please see example below.

Example of clusters selected

I can use sieve to sift out all the smaller clusters, but this is slightly different to picking clusters greater than 'x' pixels within 'y' area.

Best Answer

You can use GRASS:s i.segment:

enter image description here

enter image description here

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