Can’t make sense of (UTM?) boundaries coordinates from Statistics Canada


I downloaded a GML file of cities boundaries from Statistics Canada, but I can't make sense of them. For example, when looking at the boundaries for a city north of Toronto (Markham), the first coordinate pair in the list (gml:posList tag) is 7232029.8171445 964392.282857482.

It looks like the coordinates are in UTM format, but when I plug the numbers into a converter online to see them in long/lat using NAD83 and zone 17, it points to somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

The coordinates are accompanied by a PDF file that specifies the following geographic representation, but it still doesn't seem to help. I tried subtracting the false easting and northing values, but that doesn't result in proper coordinates.

  • Projection: Lambert conformal conic
  • False easting: 6200000.000000
  • False northing: 3000000.000000
  • Central meridian: -91.866667
  • Standard parallel 1: 49.000000
  • Standard parallel 2: 77.000000
  • Latitude of origin: 63.390675
  • Linear unit: metre (1.000000)
  • Datum: North American 1983 (NAD83)
  • Prime meridian: Greenwich
  • Angular unit: degree
  • Spheroid: GRS 1980

If anyone can provide some help on how to properly convert these numbers to long/lat it would be very helpful. I want to overlay them on a map in a custom application, so I can't just get the data in another format that's compatible with specific GIS apps.

Best Answer

The numeric values you are seeing are map coordinates but not UTM. The information you shared identifies the projection as Lambert conformal conic. This is EPSG:3347, known in QGIS as NAD83 / Statistics Canada Lambert.

Also documented on

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