OGR SQL Dialect – Can OGR SQL Dialect Be Used with GeoPackage?


I'm using GDAL (3.3.1) Python (3.8.11) bindings to process vector layers and am trying to use OGR SQL dialect to filter the layer, like this:

    sql = f"SELECT * from {out_lyr.GetName()} WHERE OGR_GEOM_AREA < {area_threshold}"
    out_lyr_selection = out_ds.ExecuteSQL(sql)

This works fine on FileGDB and Shapefile, when I try to use it on GeoPackage it gives the following error.

RuntimeError: In ExecuteSQL(): sqlite3_prepare_v2(SELECT * from merged WHERE OGR_GEOM_AREA < 20.0):
  no such column: OGR_GEOM_AREA

This post suggests I should use "indirect_sqlite" dialect, so I checked the OGR doc page. It suggested this would work:

    sql = f"SELECT * from {out_lyr.GetName()} WHERE ST_Area(GEOMETRY) < {area_threshold}"
    out_lyr_selection = out_ds.ExecuteSQL(sql, dialect="indirect_sqlite")

However, this time the error was:

RuntimeError: In ExecuteSQL(): sqlite3_prepare_v2(SELECT * from merged WHERE ST_Area(GEOMETRY) < 20.0):
  no such column: GEOMETRY

Am I doing something wrong, or is it not possible to use OGR SQL dialect to filter by area with GeoPackage?

Best Answer

For OGR SQL use dialect="OGRSQL". It is the default SQL dialect but only when the datasource has no support for a native SQL dialect. Therefore if you read PostGIS, SpatiaLite, GeoPackage, Oracle etc. you must explicitly select the ORG SQL dialect.

When using indirect_sqlite dialect pay attention to error message no such column: GEOMETRY. Check the real name of the geometry column with ogrinfo. It can be whatever but quite often you will see

Geometry Column = geom

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