Python Raster – Calculating Raster Variance within an Area of Interest using Python

pythonrasterrasterstatszonal statistics

The zonal statistics tool within QGIS is able to calculate the average raster variance within an area of interest. I am now trying to automate this in Python.

I typically use zonal_stats from the rasterstats library for calculating zonal statistics in Python, but zonal_stats is only able to calculate min, max, mean, count, sum, std, median, majority, minority, unique, range, nodata, and percentile.

How would I calculate raster variance over an area of interest in Python?

Best Answer

I figured it out- instead of using rasterstats, you can use rasterio and numpy together to calculate raster variance. Below is the code I ended up using.

import numpy as np
import rasterio

def calculate_raster_variance(raster_path: str):
    raster =
    arr =
    out = np.var(arr)
    return out