ArcGIS Pro Distance – How to Calculate and Identify Maximum Distance Between Points Using ArcGIS Pro


I have these 12 sites mapped on ArcGIS Pro. I am trying to set up an experiment that has 4 treatments. Since I have 12 sites I was hoping to allocate 3 sites per treatment so 3 replicates per treatment.

I want each replicate per treatment to be as far as possible from one another.

Is it possible to calculate this using ArcGIS Pro?

To clarify I am trying to say: Treatment 1 has 3 replicates. From the total of 12 points calculate the three points furthest from each other. For Treatment 2 use the remaining 9 points to calculate the three points furthest from each other and so forth.

enter image description here

Best Answer

There is a deprecated tool named Point Distance (Analysis) which:

Determines the distances from input point features to all points in the near features within a specified search radius.

Even if you wanted to use that it required an Advance level license.


This functionality has been replaced by Near and Generate Near Table tools that now calculate distances between point, polyline and polygon features.

The Near tool, which is available at all license levels:

Calculates distance and additional proximity information between the input features and the closest feature in another layer or feature class.

and the Generate Near Table tool, which is also available at all license levels:

Calculates distances and other proximity information between features in one or more feature class or layer. Unlike the Near tool, which modifies the input, Generate Near Table writes results to a new stand-alone table and supports finding more than one near feature.

I think it is the Generate Near Table tool that you should use as the basis of a solution to what you are trying to do.

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