Band Composite NetCDF File – Fixing Error 000732 in Band Composite for NetCDF File Using ArcGIS Pro


I have multiple NetCDF files which were converted into tif files using the tools Make NetCDF Raster Layer & Copy Raster tool in ArcGIS Pro 2.6. As output, I now have multiple tif files with many bands inside it. Here is a screenshot for reference.

enter image description here

As I have multiple tif files of such kind, I am now trying to come up with a python script that can composite only certain bands.

So if the total number of bands in a tif file is 365 I only want to composite Band_167 to Band_193.

Here is the snippet that I have worked out so far however, it gives me an error : ERROR 000732: Input Rasters: Dataset Band_167 does not exist or is not supported

import arcpy
import os

arcpy.env.workspace = r'C:\Vikhyat\Test\*.tif'
Input = arcpy.env.workspace
Output = r'C:\Vikhyat\Data\Stack'

for img in Input:
    name = os.path.join(Output, img[0].split("_")[0] + ".tif")
    arcpy.CompositeBands_management('Band_167;Band_168;Band_169;Band_170', name)

Best Answer

The code you need is this, see how I build a list of full path to your raster\band.

import arcpy, os

arcpy.env.workspace = r'C:\Scratch\Test'
rasters = arcpy.ListRasters("*", "TIF")
Output = r'C:\Scratch\Test'
bandList = ['Band_167','Band_168','Band_169','Band_170']    
for raster in rasters:
    myList = list()
    name = os.path.join(Output, 'Monsoon' + str(raster))
    for b in bandList:
        myList.append(arcpy.env.workspace + "\\" + raster + "\\" + b)
    arcpy.CompositeBands_management(myList, name)    

It's good practise when developing code to put in print() statements so you can see what it is actually creating, for example your original code was creating .tif.tif as the output file name.

This tool did not seem to be honouring workspace so this is why I build the full path name.

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