ArcMap – How to Automatically Align Edges of Features to Other Features from Another Feature Class in ArcMap


I have two feature classes containing polygons. One (lets call it A) covers the whole area of interest without any gap or overlap. The other (B) has polygons scattered over the area. The features of B roughly share the same edges/borders as A, but not exactly. I would like to align the polygon edges of B to the edges of A within a given tolerance, and since I have thousands of this, I would like to do it automatically.
What I have tried is Integrate in ArcMap 10.8.

On the attached image the black border is A, the blue patch is the original B, and the red dashed line is the new, integrated B. As you can see it made a pretty good job on the bottom edges, but for some reason touched the other vertices as well, even if they were way out of the tolerance level.
enter image description here
In the integrate tool I set the rank of A higher, but it did not help.
Is there any other tool (apart from the manual Align to Shape and Align to Edge tools), which can do this job for me?
As mentioned, I am using Arcmap 10.8, but I also have access to ArcGIS Pro.

Best Answer

You can use Snap tool, which requires a Standard or Advanced licence and does all in an automatic fashion. I think snap geometries to layer of QGIS and this tool works in the same way. Applying Densify tool to your feature edges prior to snap may give you a better result.

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