ArcPy – How to Append Features in File Geodatabase


I am quite new to the use of ArcPy but am using it instead of ArcGIS Modelbuilder as I thought it might speed up my workflow. I have a large set of polygon features in a geodatabase (around 12.000), which I want to merge/append into one single feature layer. columnnames and data types are all the same for each file.

My script is working, but my problem is that the processing seems to gradually go slower and after around 2000 features really takes a while before moving forward.

Currently using ArcPy for my script and append query, but open to try other scripts like ogr2ogr or gdal if those are better.

I am using the following script:

import arcpy
import os
from import *
from sys import argv

arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/workspace"
out = "c:/workspace/out"
schemaType = "NO_TEST"
fieldMappings = ""
subtype = ""

featureclasses = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(wild_card="NFS_PolySpatialJoin_*", feature_type='Polygon')

for fc in featureclasses:
    arcpy.Append_management(fc, out, schemaType, fieldMappings, subtype)

Best Answer

Assuming all fields in all feature classes are the same, I suspect a data access insert cursor will be faster than the append tool.

List your fields and then use a search/insert cursor combo.

flds = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields (out)] ##get fields
flds += ["SHAPE@"] ##get geometry

with arcpy.da.InsertCursor (out, flds) as iCurs:
    for fc in featureclasses:
        with arcpy.da.SearchCursor (fc, flds) as sCurs:
            for row in sCurs:
                iCurs.insertRow (row)
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