QGIS Temporal Controller – How to Animate Data with Temporal Controller


I have been trying to make an animation with the Temporal Controller in QGIS using a custom .csv file, created by merging lat, lon, arrival_time, departure_time, stop_name and stop_id.

It currently looks like this:

enter image description here

These are the Temporal Controller tab settings:

enter image description here

I have tried converting arrival_time and departure_time to datetime instead of, as they currently are, just date; however, this made no difference and it kept not working.

Current behaviour:

Once the .csv layer is added and the Temporal Controller is active, the dots effectively display on the viewer. However, upong activating it, the timeline starts moving but the dots never move.

Expected behaviour:

The dots to move, like in this or this tutorial.

Best Answer

Below is an animated GIF of what I get following the process described by @Babel. (You may need to click on it to see it animate.) Do you see the same values for Animation range, Step and Current frame?

Animation of red dot appearing and moving across map at 1 second intervals. The QGIS Temporal Controller is visible, with a Step of 1.000 minutes.

There are some frames where the dot is not visible. This is because Layer PropertiesDynamic Temporal ControlEvent duration is set to 1.00 Minutes. Where these is a gap of more than 1 minute between the arrival_time of features in the CSV, there will be no feature visible for one or more frames.

Screen capture of QGIS Dynamic Temporal Control with Configuration set to Single Field with Date/Time, Limits set to Include Start,Exclude End, Field set to arrival_time and Event duration set to 1.00 Minutes.