Coordinate System – Understanding ‘Ographic’ Latitude in IAU Projection 39916

coordinate systempyproj

In pyproj, I defined/loaded projection IAU 39916. This has the name "Earth (2015) / Ographic / Equirectangular, clon = 180". (I was looking for an equirectangular projection for representing an area on both hemispheres around the antimeridian.)

What does "ographic" mean here? In this context, it cannot mean orthographic, because the projection is equirectangular and not orthographic. Google Search gives me results on converting between "ographic" and "ocentric" (example 1, 2), but I have not found what those actually are. Is it related to geocentric and geodetic latitudes in any way?

In [292]: from pyproj import CRS

In [293]: crs = CRS.from_authority("IAU_2015", 39916)

In [294]: print(
Earth (2015) / Ographic / Equirectangular, clon = 180

Best Answer

Ocentric and ographic latitudes do not refer to a positive East vs. positive West distinction.

Ocentric and ographic instead refer to where one measures latitude from. Direct from the proj docs:

The geodetic (or geographic) latitude (also called planetographic latitude in the context of non-Earth bodies) is the angle between the equatorial plane and the normal (vertical) to the ellipsoid surface at the considered point. The geodetic latitude is what is normally used everywhere in PROJ when angular coordinates are expected or produced.

The geocentric latitude (also called planetocentric latitude in the context of non-Earth bodies) is the angle between the equatorial plane and a line joining the body centre to the considered point.

The only time that these values will differ is when the body is non-spherical. In the planetary case, the Moon is defined as a sphere and ographic lat = ocentric lat. For non-spherical definitions of Mars ocentric lat != ographic lat.

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