Always using project CRS when adding new layers in QGIS

coordinate systemlayersqgisqgis-3

I'm using QGIS 3 to load multiple layers, however if I have set a CRS(say, a UTM) for a blank project and then add a new layer, the project CRS changes to the CRS of that layer (say, WGS 1984) instead of keeping as UTM. I need to keep all layers I add for this project to be reprojected on-the-fly as UTM. Is it ever possible?

This is not a duplicate question. I need QGIS behave like follows: Every time I create a new project using a CRS I designated, say EPSG:3395, I can change default CRS in QGIS options to EPSG:3395 like what is suggested in that question, and all newly added layer will be reprojected to EPSG:3395; However, if I create a new project and change its CRS before adding any layer, say, WGS 1984, I need to change two CRS settings separately in Project settings and QGIS options, which seems quite unnatural to me. I'd like default CRS for newly added layers be controlled project-wise instead of application-wise.

Best Answer

Looks like I have misunderstood the intention of the QGIS developers, or just because their description in the GUI is misleading...
If I choose to "use the CRS of the first layer", it behaves as it says; However, if I change the option to "use default CRS" to the CRS I desired before creating a project, I will no longer need to change the project CRS again. That is said, I just need to change the CRS in QGIS Options once rather than setting it twice in both Project Properties and QGIS Options.

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