QGIS – Alternatives to Snappy from ESA for Support in QGIS


Is there a Alternative Python Package (https://senbox.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SNAP/pages/19300362/How+to+use+the+SNAP+API+from+Python), which allows the User to geocode Sentinel-1 Data?

Snappy doesn't work when i try to install it to the QGIS-Python Interpreter.

Best Answer

The reason why your installation via the QGIS python interpreter fails could be that there is another package called snappy (https://pypi.org/project/snappy/) which is used when you use pip for example. Sometimes it is already installed with QGIS which causes additional problems. It works when you use the full path to the QGIS python.exe in the command line as described in the ESA documentation you posted.

If you search for an alternative to snappy, you can use snapista. https://snap-contrib.github.io/snapista/ It is easy to use and directly calls the SNAP graph processing tool (gpt), so it's also computationally more efficient.

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