Google Earth Engine – Add CSV with GPS Points and Bathymetry Data


I'm trying to construct a bathymetry point map on GEE, and I want to import a CSV that contains bathymetry data.
The CSV that I'm about to import to GEE has the following columns: Latitude, Longitude and Depth.

I uploaded my data:
enter image description here

And I set the advanced settings as the following:
enter image description here

However, whenever I try to import the data, the following message shows up:

The table may not have valid geometries

enter image description here

the lat and lon becomes a floating point value, and the depth becomes 256 in all the rows. In addition, there is an additional column added to the table.

I cannot use this data for my analysis, and I would like to ask if anyone could help!

The CSV can be accessed from the following link:

Best Answer

The first line of your file has some UTF junk in it:


Remove that first character and it should work fine.