Which tests are used to calculate the individual P-values in the Stata logit command (binary logistic regression)?


This picture is from page 1290 in the Stata manual:
Page 1290, Stata manual

The model can be made with the following code in Stata:

use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r16/auto

keep make mpg weight foreign

logit foreign weight mpg

As I understand the overall fit for the model is calculated with a chi2 test (Prob > chi2 = 0.0000), but how are the individual P-values (P>|z|) calculated?

Best Answer

The tests shown by Stata for the individual coefficients are Wald tests whose test statistics have the form $$ W_j = \frac{\hat{\beta}_j}{\widehat{\operatorname{SE}}(\hat{\beta}_j)}\sim N(0,1) $$

Under the hypothesis than an individual coefficient is zero, these statistics will asymptotically follow the standard normal distribution. Hence, they are $z$-values. The corresponding $p$-values are calculated from the standard normal cdf $\Phi(x)$. Specifically, for two-sided $p$-values: $p=2\cdot\Phi(-|z|)$. For example in Stata for the coefficient for mpg:

di 2*normal(-abs(1.83))


Hosmer DW, Lemeshow S, Sturdivant RX (2013): Applied Logistic Regression. 3rd ed. Wiley.

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