R Package fitdistrplus – How to Use for Distribution Fitting and Goodness-of-Fit

distributionsgoodness of fitr

How can I find all distribution that fitdistrplus package support. I find some examples from what I discovered what is required distr name, few example: if I am looking for log normal distribuiton distr name is "lnorm", if I am trying to fit Chi-Square Distribution then name for distr is "chi-squared", and so on. Is there some where in package manual where I can find all suported distributions.
I am interested in distributions that support positive integer values with big variance and relatively small mean (right skewed). Cullen and Frey graph suggested log normal distribution, data AIC and BIC for log normal model are the lowest but KS.test don t support this model.So I am trying to fit to other model but how to find right name for "dist".

Best Answer

The fitdistrplus FAQ claims to fit distributions for which d, p, q and r functions are available, whether in base R or a package or which you have written yourself (though in more obscure ones you will need to provide sensible start values).

Common distribution names such as chisq can be found in the R-intro manual