Data Visualization – Visualizing Multivariate Multiple Regression of Continuous Data in R

continuous datadata visualizationmultiple regressionmultivariate regressionr

I have created a multivariate multiple regression model with 3 dependent and 3 independent variables in R, and would like to generate meaningful visualizations. All variables are continuous. When working with multiple regression models with 1 dependent variable, this is fairly easy.

For example


df <- data.frame(ind1 = c(1:10),
                ind2 = runif(10,5,15),
                ind3 = runif(10,5,15))
df$dep1 <- df$ind1 * df$ind2 * df$ind3
df$dep2 <- df$ind1 * df$ind2 * df$ind3 * runif(10)
df$dep3 <- df$ind1 * df$ind2 * df$ind3 * abs(rnorm(10))

model1 <- lm(data = df, dep1 ~ ind1 + ind2 + ind3)

There are simple options for different insightful visualizations


ggplot(ggpredict(model1, terms = c("ind1 [1,5,10]", "ind2", "ind3")), 
       aes(x, predicted, color = group)) + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~facet)




plot_model(model1, type = 'diag')

Diagnostic plot 1
Diagnostic plot 2
Diagnostic plot 3
Diagnostic plot 4

However, in a model with 3 dependent variables

model2 <- lm(data = df, cbind(dep1, dep2, dep3) ~ ind1 + ind2 + ind3)

these options seem to go out the window. I am hoping to come up with something a little more powerful than simply


Let me know if this topic is a better fit for R StackOverflow.

Best Answer

I think you might do best to review multivariate regression (meaning no disrespect). There is a short tutorial at UVA's stats help page here: They explain that multivariate regression is mostly the same as several univariate regressions, except that there are covariances between the betas for the different outcomes that need to be taken into account when testing the variables. In particular, they mention that the relevant plots are the same:

The same diagnostics we check for models with one predictor should be checked for these as well.

I will use their example to illustrate some data visualizations below (coded in R). I'll start with a scatterplot matrix of the data. GEN is binary, so I'll represent that with a different color and symbol. After fitting the model, if you try to run plot.lm() you'll get an error. However, it's easy enough to reproduce those plots manually. To plot a multiple regression model without interactions, you can pick a variable of interest and make a scatterplot with it and the response and draw the fitted function over it. Be sure to adjust the intercept by setting other variables at their means (see my answer to How to visualize a fitted multiple regression model?). You can also make scatterplots and qq-plots of the residuals (the latter lets you assess if their distribution is similar).

ami_data = read.table("")
names(ami_data) = c("TOT","AMI","GEN","AMT","PR","DIAP","QRS")

# output omitted
pairs(ami_data[,-3], col=ifelse(ami_data$GEN, "red", "black"),
                     pch=ifelse(ami_data$GEN, 3, 1))

scatterplot matrix

mlm1 = lm(cbind(TOT, AMI) ~ GEN + AMT + PR + DIAP + QRS, data=ami_data)
# output omitted
#          TOT        AMI
# 1  132.82172  161.52769
# 2  -72.00392 -264.35329
# 3 -399.24769 -373.85244
# 4 -382.84730 -247.29456
# 5 -152.39129   15.78777
# 6  366.78644  217.13206
# Error: 'plot.mlm' is not implemented yet

## reproducing R's plot.lm() for TOT
rst = rstandard(mlm1)  # standardized residuals
  layout(matrix(1:4, nrow=2, byrow=T))
  # plot 1
       main="Residuals vs Fitted for TOT", xlab="fitted", ylab="residuals")
  lines(lowess(resid(mlm1)[,1]~fitted(mlm1)[,1]), col="red")
  # plot 2
       main="Scale-Location plot for TOT", xlab="fitted", ylab="residuals")
  lines(lowess(sqrt(abs(rst[,1]))~fitted(mlm1)[,1]), col="red")
  # plot 3
  qqnorm(rst[,1], main="qq-plot of residuals TOT")
  # plot 5
  plot(rst[,1]~lm.influence(mlm1)$hat, xlab="Leverage", ylab="residuals",
       main="Residuals vs Leverage for TOT")
  lines(lowess(rst[,1]~lm.influence(mlm1)$hat), col="red")

diagnostic plots for tot

  layout(matrix(1:4, nrow=2, byrow=T))
  # plot of model for TOT vs AMT
  plot(TOT~AMT, ami_data, main="TOT vs AMT w/ data & model", 
       col=ifelse(ami_data$GEN, 2, 1), pch=ifelse(ami_data$GEN, 3, 1))
  abline(coef(mlm1)[-3,1]%*%c(1, apply(ami_data[,c(3,5:7)], 2, mean)),
         coef(mlm1)[3,1], col="blue")
  # plot of model for AMI vs AMT
  plot(AMI~AMT, ami_data, main="AMI vs AMT w/ data & model", 
       col=ifelse(ami_data$GEN, 2, 1), pch=ifelse(ami_data$GEN, 3, 1))
  abline(coef(mlm1)[-3,2]%*%c(1, apply(ami_data[,c(3,5:7)], 2, mean)),
         coef(mlm1)[3,2], col="blue")
  # scatterplot of residuals
  plot(resid(mlm1)[,1], resid(mlm1)[,2], xlab="Residuals for TOT",
       ylab="Residuals for AMI", main="scatterplot of residuals")
  # qq-plot of residuals
  qqplot(resid(mlm1)[,1], resid(mlm1)[,2], xlab="Residuals for TOT",
         ylab="Residuals for AMI", main="qq-plot for residuals")

plots of model and residuals

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