Hypothesis Testing – Uniformly Most Powerful Test for Weibull Distribution

hypothesis testingmathematical-statisticsself-studystatistical-powerweibull distribution

$\newcommand{\szdp}[1]{\!\left(#1\right)} \newcommand{\szdb}[1]{\!\left[#1\right]}$
Problem Statement: Let $Y_1,\dots,Y_n$ be a random sample from the probability
density function given by

with $m$ denoting a known constant.

  1. Find the uniformly most powerful test for testing
    $H_0:\theta=\theta_0$ against $H_a:\theta>\theta_0.$
  2. If the test in 1. is to have $\theta_0=100, \alpha=0.05,$ and
    $\beta=0.05$ when $\theta_a=400,$ find the appropriate sample size and
    critical region.

Note 1: This is Problem 10.80 in Mathematical Statistics with Applications, 5th. Ed., by Wackerly, Mendenhall, and Sheaffer.

Note 2: This is cross-posted here.

My Work So Far:

  1. This is a Weibull distribution. We construct the
    likelihood function

    Now we form the inequality indicated in the Neyman-Pearson Lemma:
    \frac{\displaystyle \szdp{\frac{m}{\theta_0}}^{\!\!n}\prod_{i=1}^ny_i^{m-1}
    {\displaystyle \szdp{\frac{m}{\theta_a}}^{\!\!n}\prod_{i=1}^ny_i^{m-1}
    \frac{\displaystyle \theta_a^n
    {\displaystyle \theta_0^n

    The end result is

  2. We have to discover the distribution of $\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^ny_i^m.$
    I claim that the random variable $W=Y^m$ is exponentially distributed with
    parameter $\theta.$ Proof:

    which is the distribution of an exponential with parameter $\theta,$ as I
    claimed. It follows, then, that $\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^ny_i^m$ is
    $\Gamma(n,\theta)$ distributed, and hence that
    $\displaystyle\frac{2}{\theta}\sum_{i=1}^ny_i^m$ is $\chi^2$ distributed with
    $2n$ d.o.f. So the RR we can write as that region where
    with the $2n$ d.o.f. Let
    Then we have

    So now we solve

    So we choose $n$ so that the $\chi^2$ values corresponding to the ratio given
    work out. The ratio of $\theta_a/\theta_0=4,$ and we choose $\chi_\alpha^2$ on
    the high end, and $\chi_\beta^2$ on the low end so that their ratio is $4,$
    by varying $n$. This happens at d.o.f. $13=2n,$ which means we must choose
    $n=7.$ For this choice of $n,$ we have the critical region as

My Question: This is one of the most complicated stats problems I've encountered yet in this textbook, and I just want to know if my solution is correct. I feel like I'm "out on a limb" with complex reasoning depending on complex reasoning. I'm fairly confident that part 1 is correct, but what about part 2?

Best Answer

You've got $L=\frac{\theta_a^n}{\theta_0^n}\,exp\left({-\frac{\theta_a-\theta_0} {\theta_0\theta_a}\sum_{i=1}^ny_i^m}\right)<k$, which is good. Now we take $log$ of both sides:

$$n log\left(\frac{\theta_a}{\theta_0}\right)+\left(\frac{\theta_0-\theta_a}{\theta_0\theta_a}\right)\sum_{i=1}^{n}{y_i^m} < log(k)$$

and so the test itself is in the form: $$\left\{ \sum_{i=1}^{n}{y_i^m} < c \right\}$$

(rejecting if $\sum_{i=1}^{n}{y_i^m} > c$).

Now, for part (b), there's something to note here: $y^m$ has an exponential distribution, and so the $\sum{y^m_i}\sim \Gamma(n,\theta)$. Under the null we get that $\frac{2\sum_{i=1}^{n}{y_i^m}}{\theta_0} > \frac{2c}{\theta_0}$ has a $\chi^2$ distribution with $2n$ degrees of freedom (look for the relation between gamma and chi-squared).

Now let's solve (b):


When $H_0$ is true, we get $\alpha$ using:

$$\alpha=P\left(\frac{2\sum_{i=1}^{n}{y_i^m}}{100} > \chi^2_{0.05}\right)=0.05.$$

When $H_a$ is true, we get $\beta$ using:

$$\beta=P\left(\frac{2\sum_{i=1}^{n}{y_i^m}}{100} \le \chi^2_{0.05} \middle| \theta=400\right)=P\left(\frac{2\sum_{i=1}^{n}{y_i^m}}{400} \le \frac{1}{4}\chi^2_{0.05} \middle| \theta=400\right)=P\left(\chi^2\le\frac{1}{4}\chi^2_{0.05}\right)=0.05$$

So, we need to find the row in $\chi^2$ table where $\frac{1}{4}\chi^2_{0.05}=\chi^2_{0.95}$:

chi square distribution table

You can see that for $12$ degrees of freedom, $\chi^2_{0.95}=5.226$ and $\chi^2_{0.05}=21.03$, which is the closest we get for achieving $\frac{1}{4}\chi^2_{0.05}=\chi^2_{0.95}$. Recall that this has $2n$ degrees of freedom, so the appropriate sample size is $6$.