Time Series – How to Use ACF and PACF Plots for Model Selection: AR(1) vs AR(2)

acf-pacfresidualstime series

Good afternoon all,

I've got a model that models a time series and I am trying to decide which how the residuals are correlated. The first model, called $m1$ is models $AR(1)$ residuals and the second model models $AR(2)$ residuals called $m2$. I'm looking at the residual plots, ACF/PACF plots and also the AIC/BIC values of the two models to decide if $m1$ or $m2$ would a better model for the residuals. However upon closer inspection I cannot determine which one would be best as they are both very similar in the analysis and I lean more towards the AR(1) model since it is simpler. Are my assessments correct on this and am I understanding the ACF/PACF plots correctly?

ACF/PACF of $m1$ and $m2$

Analysis: There appears to be slightly less variability in the ACF/PACF for the $m1$ model. I'm also having some issues fully understanding these ACF/PACF plots.
enter image description here

Plots of the residuals of $m1$ and $m2$

Analysis: No apparent difference in the residuals between the $m1$ and $m2$ as they are almost identical.
enter image description here

AIC/BIC values

m1: -286.812/-274.2221

m2: -287.7302/-271.9928

Analysis: AIC slightly favors $m2$ and BIC slightly favors $m1$.

Thank you for the time.

Best Answer

I would say that you have reached the point where the models are effectively the same. I would also assume that any forecasts are essentially indistinguishable. In such a case, I would always go with the simpler model, compare the "one standard error" rule.

Also, I would usually prefer using information criteria over reading entrails, sorry, I meant ACF/PACF plots: Selecting ARIMA orders by ACF/PACF vs. by information criteria. In the present case, the two criteria give conflicting advice. Another reason not to stress too much about this.