Two-Way ANOVA – Handling Unbalanced and Nested TYPE III with Significant Results


I have an unbalanced design with nested factors. In particular, the nested factor is obesity, with levels: of obese and nonobese. The other factor is group: women with syndrome, control women, and control men. The response let's say is a metabolite.

What I have done, is to set a linear model, with the following contrasts, due to the nature of the problem: the coefficients of the variates sum up to zero.

Then, in R one can achieve this with:

mdl <- lm(Y ~ obesity*group, 
    contrasts=list(obesity=contr. sum, 
car::Anova(mdl, type=3)   

Then the output is

    Anova Table (Type III tests)

    Response: Y
                   Sum Sq Df   F value  Pr(>F)    
    (Intercept)    549.02  1 1117.2302 < 2e-16 ***
    obesity         0.19  1    0.3927 0.53446    
    group            2.09  2    2.1311 0.13199    
    obesity:group   3.21  2    3.2632 0.04866 *  
    Residuals       19.66 40                      
    Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

I tested for the assumptions of normality of the residuals and homogeneity, the model accomplishes this.

Now, as you can see, the interaction is significant, however, running TukeyHSD test, is not well suited because, from the help in R, it says:

" This is a generic function: the description here applies to the method for fits of class "aov" "

Thus, aov functions are the wrapper of anova(lm), but it does not take into consideration the contrasts, and it only does the sequential sum of squares

So I think, that the problem could be resolved with "marginal means"

The problem: I have no idea how to insert the formula with the error term.

I tested:

mdl2  <- aov_car(Y ~ obesity*group  + 

Where patients are the subjects. I know that the error term, is the random mixed effect, (I think..)

Then I can run


with the same output,

But I cannot figure out which is the significant group of interaction that the above results say.

So the question is why is significant the ANOVA but not the interaction ? Should I run pairwise t test with interaction ? I mean, interaction(obesity,group) and then run pairwise t.test ?

I have seen several posts about this issue, in particular, I think that the question is already answered on this package:

More than the data itself, it's a question of statistics

Best Answer

Whether you insist on keeping "obesity" as an all-or-none marker or, as Frank Harrell rightly suggests, you treat it as one or more continuous predictors (e.g., including both height and weight in some way), you have several potential sources of confusion in the way you are approaching this problem.

First, as the manual page for car::Anova says:

"Be careful of type-III tests... type-II tests are invariant with respect to (full-rank) contrast coding. If you don't understand this issue, then you probably shouldn't use Anova for type-III tests."

It's not clear how useful type-III tests will be, particularly with an unbalanced design and a potentially significant interaction. Your choice of type-III tests also seems to be forcing you to use sum contrasts. (I personally find the coefficients from sum contrasts harder to think about than those from the default treatment contrasts, although that might be my limitation and you might find otherwise.)

Second, it's not clear that you have more than one observation per participant for any one response variable. If you don't, then there's no "random effect" to deal with in univariate analysis, as you seem to be trying to do in your code. (If you have multiple response variables for each participant you would benefit from some type of multivariate analysis.)

Third, you ask "why is significant the ANOVA but not the interaction?" This might be a problem with terminology, but that's not what you show: the interaction term is significant (if barely) by the traditional p < 0.05 criterion.

Perhaps you are having problems identifying a particular "significant" pairwise comparison among the combinations of groups despite that overall finding of a "significant" interaction. That can happen in some circumstances, particularly when the overall "significance" is borderline as in the case you display.

Doing a set of pairwise t-tests as you propose would be an error unless you took into account the multiple-comparisons problem in some way. The TukeyHSD is only one way to do that; there are others.