Solved – Zero inflated models – “true zero” vs. “excess zero”

poisson distributionzero inflation

I am trying to decide if zero inflated poisson is appropriate for my data vs. a Poisson hurdle model.

In background reading between the two I've run across a statement saying that a zero inflated model attempts to distinguish between true zeros and excess zeros. I'm having a problem understanding what is the different between those two zeros.

Can anyone explain what those two types of zeros mean in the context of zero inflated modeling?

Best Answer

I only know what I've read, but I believe the difference is that excess zeros are zeros where there could not be any events, while true zeros occur where there could have been an event, but there was none. For example, people coming into a bank: during business hours, there might be a period of time when zero customers entered the bank (true zero), but when the bank is closed, you will always get zeros (excess zeros) and since the bank is closed more than it is open you will get a lot of excess zeros.