Correlation – Zero Correlation of All Functions of Random Variables Implies Independence


Independence between random variables $X$ and $Y$ implies that $\text{Corr}\left(f(X),g(Y)\right)=0$ for arbitrary functions $f(\cdot)$ and $g(\cdot)$ (here is a related thread).

But is the following statement, or a similar one (perhaps more rigorously defined), correct?

If $\text{Corr}\left(f(X),g(Y)\right)=0$ for all possible functions $f(\cdot)$ and $g(\cdot)$, then $X$ and $Y$ are independent.

Best Answer

Using indicator functions of measurable sets like$$f(x)=\mathbb I_A(x)\quad g(x)=\mathbb I_B(x)$$leads to$$\text{cov}(f(X),g(Y))=\mathbb P(X\in A,Y\in B)-\mathbb P(X\in A)\mathbb P(Y\in B)$$therefore implying independence. As shown in the following snapshot of A. Dembo's probability course, proving the result for indicator functions is enough.

enter image description here

This is due to this monotone class theorem:

enter image description here

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