Solved – Word2Vec : Interpretation of Subtraction or addition of vectors

machine learningtext miningword2vec

I am curious, what does subtracting vectors, as in [man – woman] do in regards to Google's word2vec calculation of analogy ? Is this a measure of how different the two vectors are? So is

man – woman (approx.)= king – queen

saying the difference between man and woman is (approximately) the same as the difference between king and queen?

Best Answer

Yes, that's my understanding of their interpretation; that's the reasoning behind why you'd expect (as observed) that [man] - [woman] + [king] ≈ [queen], or [Paris] - [France] + [China] ≈ [Beijing].

The idea is perhaps that vectors are approximately sums of their semantic components, so that [king] includes a "male" component as well as "ruler", "person", and whatever else, and [queen] has basically the same set of components except it has "female" instead of "male". [man] - [woman] would then end up at ["male"] - ["female"], so adding it to [king] would just swap the "male" concept for "female".

I kind of doubt there's a more complete understanding of it than that, though I'm not familiar with all of the literature on the subject and someone may have studied it in more detail.

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