Normal Distribution CDF – Why It Cannot Be Expressed as a Closed Form Function

cumulative distribution functionnormal distribution

I am working my way through Think Stats, where the author states that

"there is no closed form expression for the normal cumulative density

but does not provide any further details as to why this is the case, simply saying that the alternative is to write it in terms of the error function.

Is there some way to intuit why the Normal Distribution can not be expressed as a closed form function?

Best Answer

You first have to think about the definition of "closed form". The obvious kind of "closed form" is polynomials; Having only addition and multiplication, their values can actually be computed directly and not approximated using tables.
Does the log function have a "closed form"? Yes- by the common convention (see comments below). And no- in the sense it cannot be computed directly and its values are taken from tables. The gamma function is another such example. There is indeed an historic convention of calling some functions "closed form". However, once you note that most functions are actually computed using tables, or approximated using polynomials, then the CDF is not much different than a log.

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