Solved – Why regret is used in online machine learning and is there any intuitive explanation about it

machine learningonline-algorithms

Why regret is used in online machine learning?

Is there any intuitive explanation about it?

Are there any other measurements to be optimized except the regret in online learning?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

"Regret" as a term that applies to online machine learning is one that lends itself very easily to an intuitive explanation.

Minimizing (or, alternatively, optimizing for) "regret" is simply reducing the number of actions taken which, in hindsight, it is apparent that there was a better choice. By minimizing regret, we are minimizing subobtimal actions by the algorithm.

Depending on the application of the online machine learning algorithm, there can be many, many other measurements to be optimized.

Several specific papers you may be interested discuss the topic in depth:

Learning, Regret minimization, and Equilibria - A. Blum and Y. Mansour

Optimization for Machine Learning - Hazan

Online Learning and Online Convex Optimization - Shalev-Shwartz

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