Solved – Why PCA of data by means of SVD of the data

algorithmsmatrix decompositionpcasvd

This question is about an efficient way to compute principal components.

  1. Many texts on linear PCA advocate using singular-value decomposition of the casewise data. That is, if we have data $\bf X$ and want to replace the variables (its columns) by principal components, we do SVD: $\bf X=USV'$, singular values (sq. roots of the eigenvalues) occupying the main diagonal of $\bf S$, right eigenvectors $\bf V$ are the orthogonal rotation matrix of axes-variables into axes-components, left eigenvectors $\bf U$ are like $\bf V$, only for cases. We can then compute component values as $ \bf C=XV=US$.

  2. Another way to do PCA of variables is via decomposition of $\bf R=X'X$ square matrix (i.e. $\bf R$ can be correlations or covariances etc., between the variables ). The decomposition may be eigen-decomposition or singular-value decomposition: with square symmetric positive semidefinite matrix, they will give the same result $\bf R=VLV'$ with eigenvalues as the diagonal of $\bf L$, and $\bf V$ as described earlier. Component values will be $\bf C=XV$.

Now, my question: if data $\bf X$ is a big matrix, and number of cases is (which is often a case) much greater than the number of variables, then way (1) is expected to be much slower than way (2), because way (1) applies a quite expensive algorithm (such as SVD) to a big matrix; it computes and stores huge matrix $\bf U$ which we really doesn't need in our case (the PCA of variables). If so, then why so many texbooks seem to advocate or just mention only way (1)? Maybe it is efficient and I'm missing something?

Best Answer

Here are my 2ct on the topic

  • The chemometrics lecture where I first learned PCA used solution (2), but it was not numerically oriented, and my numerics lecture was only an introduction and didn't discuss SVD as far as I recall.

  • If I understand Holmes: Fast SVD for Large-Scale Matrices correctly, your idea has been used to get a computationally fast SVD of long matrices.
    That would mean that a good SVD implementation may internally follow (2) if it encounters suitable matrices (I don't know whether there are still better possibilities). This would mean that for a high-level implementation it is better to use the SVD (1) and leave it to the BLAS to take care of which algorithm to use internally.

  • Quick practical check: OpenBLAS's svd doesn't seem to make this distinction, on a matrix of 5e4 x 100, svd (X, nu = 0) takes on median 3.5 s, while svd (crossprod (X), nu = 0) takes 54 ms (called from R with microbenchmark).
    The squaring of the eigenvalues of course is fast, and up to that the results of both calls are equvalent.

    timing  <- microbenchmark (svd (X, nu = 0), svd (crossprod (X), nu = 0), times = 10)
    # Unit: milliseconds
    #                      expr        min         lq    median         uq        max neval
    #            svd(X, nu = 0) 3383.77710 3422.68455 3507.2597 3542.91083 3724.24130    10
    # svd(crossprod(X), nu = 0)   48.49297   50.16464   53.6881   56.28776   59.21218    10

update: Have a look at Wu, W.; Massart, D. & de Jong, S.: The kernel PCA algorithms for wide data. Part I: Theory and algorithms , Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems , 36, 165 - 172 (1997). DOI:

This paper discusses numerical and computational properties of 4 different algorithms for PCA: SVD, eigen decomposition (EVD), NIPALS and POWER.

They are related as follows:

computes on      extract all PCs at once       sequential extraction    
X                SVD                           NIPALS    
X'X              EVD                           POWER

The context of the paper are wide $\mathbf X^{(30 \times 500)}$, and they work on $\mathbf{XX'}$ (kernel PCA) - this is just the opposite situation as the one you ask about. So to answer your question about long matrix behaviour, you need to exchange the meaning of "kernel" and "classical".

performance comparison

Not surprisingly, EVD and SVD change places depending on whether the classical or kernel algorithms are used. In the context of this question this means that one or the other may be better depending on the shape of the matrix.

But from their discussion of "classical" SVD and EVD it is clear that the decomposition of $\mathbf{X'X}$ is a very usual way to calculate the PCA. However, they do not specify which SVD algorithm is used other than that they use Matlab's svd () function.

    > sessionInfo ()
    R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
    Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

     [1] LC_CTYPE=de_DE.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C               LC_TIME=de_DE.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=de_DE.UTF-8     LC_MONETARY=de_DE.UTF-8   
     [6] LC_MESSAGES=de_DE.UTF-8    LC_PAPER=de_DE.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                  LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

    attached base packages:
    [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

    other attached packages:
    [1] microbenchmark_1.3-0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_3.0.2

$ dpkg --list libopenblas*
ii  libopenblas-base              0.1alpha2.2-3                 Optimized BLAS (linear algebra) library based on GotoBLAS2
ii  libopenblas-dev               0.1alpha2.2-3                 Optimized BLAS (linear algebra) library based on GotoBLAS2