Solved – Why maximum likelihood estimation use the product of pdfs rather than cdfs

cumulative distribution functiondensity functionmaximum likelihood

I'm learning logistic regression and got confused when I saw the equation of the textbook. I knew that for a continuous distribution, to calculate the probability, the pdf $f(x)$ is meaningless. Instead the cumulative density function $F(x)$ shall be used. Thus, since we're maximizing the probability, shouldn't we use the product of cdfs rather than pdfs on the right side of the MLE equation? Thank you!

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UPDATE, and further questions:

This question brings up an interesting point about why we don't often use the fact that $Y=F(X)\sim U(0,1)$ and then try to minimise the KL divergence between $Y$ and $U$:

$$\text{KL}(Y, U) = \int_0^1 f_y(y) \ln f_y(y) \text{d}y$$

Typically we have easy access to the form of $f$ (the original pdf) but $F$ might be less tractable and $f_Y$ is basically something we would need to estimate using empirical CDFs based on the samples $F(X_i), i=…$. The question is, are the two formulations (the usual MLE and the KL version above) very different in their results?

Best Answer

How can a CDF be used to rank two possible parametrizations for a model? It is a cumulative probability, so it can only tell us the probability of obtaining such a result or a lower value given a probability model. If we took $\theta$ to predict the smallest possible outcomes, the CDF is nearly 1 at every observation and this would be the most "likely" in the sense that "yup, if the mean height were truly -99 I am very confident that repeating my sample would produce values smaller than the ones I observed".

We could balance the left cumulative probability with the right cumulative probability. Consider the converse in our calculation: a median unbiased estimator satisfies:

$$P(X < \theta) = P(X > \theta)$$

Here the best value of $\theta$ is the one for which $X$ is equally likely to be greater or less than it's predicted value (assuming $\theta$ is a mean here). But that certainly doesn't correspond with our idea of being able to rank alternate parameterizations as more likely for a particular sample.

Perhaps, on the other hand you wanted to be sure $X$ was very probable in a small interval of the value, that is maximize this probability:

$$P(\theta - d < X < \theta + d)/d = \left(F(X+d) - F(X-d)\right)/d$$

But how big should $d$ be? Well if $d$ is taken to be arbitrarily small:

$$\lim_{d \rightarrow 0} \left(F(X+d) - F(X-d)\right)/d = f(X)$$

And you get the density. It is the instantaneous probability function that best characterizes the likelihood of a specific observation under a parametrization.

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