Likelihood-Ratio Test – Why It Is Distributed Chi-Squared


Why is the test statistic of a likelihood ratio test distributed chi-squared?

$2(\ln \text{ L}_{\rm alt\ model} – \ln \text{ L}_{\rm null\ model} ) \sim \chi^{2}_{df_{\rm alt}-df_{\rm null}}$

Best Answer

As mentioned by @Nick this is a consequence of Wilks' theorem. But note that the test statistic is asymptotically $\chi^2$-distributed, not $\chi^2$-distributed.

I am very impressed by this theorem because it holds in a very wide context. Consider a statistical model with likelihood $l(\theta \mid y)$ where $y$ is the vector observations of $n$ independent replicated observations from a distribution with parameter $\theta$ belonging to a submanifold $B_1$ of $\mathbb{R}^d$ with dimension $\dim(B_1)=s$. Let $B_0 \subset B_1$ be a submanifold with dimension $\dim(B_0)=m$. Imagine you are interested in testing $H_0\colon\{\theta \in B_0\}$.

The likelihood ratio is $$lr(y) = \frac{\sup_{\theta \in B_1}l(\theta \mid y)}{\sup_{\theta \in B_0}l(\theta \mid y)}. $$ Define the deviance $d(y)=2 \log \big(lr(y)\big)$. Then Wilks' theorem says that, under usual regularity assumptions, $d(y)$ is asymptotically $\chi^2$-distributed with $s-m$ degrees of freedom when $H_0$ holds true.

It is proven in Wilk's original paper mentioned by @Nick. I think this paper is not easy to read. Wilks published a book later, perhaps with an easiest presentation of his theorem. A short heuristic proof is given in Williams' excellent book.