Solved – Why does the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test work

distributionskolmogorov-smirnov testnonparametricstatistical significance

In reading about the 2-sample KS test, I understand exactly what it is doing but I don't understand why it works.

In other words, I can follow all the steps to compute the empirical distribution functions, find the maximum difference between the two to find the D-statistic, calculate the critical values, convert the D-statistic to a p-value etc.

But, I have no idea why any of this actually tells me anything about the two distributions.

Someone could have just as easily told me that I need jump over a donkey and count how fast it runs away and the if the velocity is less than 2 km/hr then I reject the null-hypothesis. Sure I can do what you told me to do, but what does any of that have to do with the null-hypothesis?

Why does the 2-sample KS test work? What does computing the maximum difference between the ECDFs have to do with how different the two distributions are?

Any help is appreciated. I am not a statistician, so assume that I'm an idiot if possible.

Best Answer

Basically, the test is consistent as a direct result of the Glivenko Cantelli theorem, one of the most important results of empirical processes and maybe statistics.

GC tells us that the Kolmogorov Smirnov test statistic goes to 0 as $n \rightarrow \infty$ under the null hypothesis. It may seem intuitive until you grapple with real analysis and limit theorems. This is a revelation because the process can be thought of as an uncountably infinite number of random processes, so the laws or probability would lead one to believe that there is always one point which could exceed any epsilon boundary but no, the supremum will converge in the long run.

How long? Mmyyeeaa I don't know. The power of the test is kind of dubious. I'd never use it in reality.

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