Solved – why does the distribution of height follow Normal Distribution

distributionsnormal distribution

The height of a class of students in a school is said to follow Normal Distribution. We know that the domain of a random variable that follows Normal distribution is said to range from minus infinity to plus infinity. But height can never attain a negative value. So how can we say that height follows a Normal Distribution?

Best Answer

It is just an approximation, a generalization so that a high-school statistics classes may take samples of their friends in an interactive classroom activity. It also serves as a nice introductory lesson for these statistics classes, showing the prevalence of the normality assumption in real-life and how close a Gaussian actually comes to modeling real datasets.

According to Wikipedia...

Height is sexually dimorphic and statistically it is more or less normally distributed, but with heavy tails. It has been shown that a log-normal distribution fits the data equally well, besides guaranteeing a non-negative lower confidence limit, which could otherwise attain a non-physical negative height value for arbitrarily large confidence levels.

Also, according to this site (which also makes sweeping approximations and generalizations like the one you are concerned with)...

Note that this density is not Gaussian at all. Instead, it is very flat on top. You might reason that since the average of normal random variables is normal, adult heights should be normal. But we don’t have an average, we have a mixture. The density for the general adult population is a mixture of the male and female distributions. If you assigned a height to married couples as an average of the husband’s height and the wife’s height, the resulting value would be an average than a mixture and would follow a normal density.

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Here is a link to an article based in mathematics criticizing the very assumption you are questioning. Quite a nice article, especially the beginning parts.

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