Solved – Why does logistic regression produce well-calibrated models


I understand that one of the reason logistic regression is frequently used for predicting click-through-rates on the web is that it produces well-calibrated models. Is there a good mathematical explanation for this?

Best Answer


The predicted probability vector $p$ from logistic regression satisfies the matrix equation

$$ X^t(p - y) = 0$$

Where $X$ is the design matrix and $y$ is the response vector. This can be viewed as a collection of linear equations, one arising from each column of the design matrix $X$.

Specializing to the intercept column (which is a row in the transposed matrix), the associated linear equation is

$$ \sum_i( p_i - y_i) = 0 $$

so the overall average predicted probability is equal to the average of the response.

More generally, for a binary feature column $x_{ij}$, the associated linear equation is

$$ \sum_i x_{ij}(p_i - y_i) = \sum_{i \mid x_{ij} = 1}(p_i - y_i) = 0$$

so the sum (and hence average) of the predicted probabilities equals the sum of the response, even when specializing to those records for which $x_{ij} = 1$.

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