Solved – Why do degrees of freedom impact statistical power

degrees of freedomhypothesis testing

I have heard that degrees of freedom are bad for statistical power from statisticians at a conference. They were complaining that the degrees of freedom may be an issue.

Can someone explain to me why the degrees of freedom can impact a statistical test?

I am especially interested in the cases where I have one simple linear IV model say
y &=& X \beta + \epsilon \\
X &=& Z \Pi + V
where $Z$ is an n by k instrument matrix and X is an n by p endogenous regressor matrix.

For example, the full-vector hypothesis test of the null that all parameters are zero is the Anderson-Rubin test which has a chi-squared distribution. When moving to the subset test, which tests for each individual parameter in $\beta$, the degrees of freedom will drop. That has an impact on power which is why the original question arose in the first place.

Best Answer

In the Anderson and Rubin Statistic case you compute the test statistic directly from the model without using an estimator: your assumption is that at $\beta=\beta_0$ you have $\mathbb{E}\left( Z^\prime[Y-X\beta]\right)=0$. For each instrument $z_k$ you have a central limit theorem (CLT) $\sqrt{n}(\frac{1}{n}\sum_iz_{k,i}(y_i-x_i^\prime\beta_0))\overset{d}{\to} \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2_k)$. Stacking all the moments together you get a vector CLT: $\sqrt{n}(Z^\prime(Y-X\beta_0)/N)\overset{d}{\to} \mathcal{N}(0,V)$ where $V=var(\varepsilon_i Z_i)$. You can transform the normal vector into a $\chi^2$ distribution as follow: $AR(\beta_0)=n(Z^\prime(Y-X\beta_0)/N)^\prime V^{-1} (Z^\prime(Y-X\beta_0)/N) \overset{d}{\to} \chi^2_{K}$. This is the Anderson-Rubin test where $K$ the degrees of freedom is also the number of instruments. The more instruments you have, the larger $K$ and the larger the critical values for the $\chi^2$ distribution will be. Hence it becomes harder to reject when K is large. If your data is homoskedastic, then you can do a susbset test which is dominated by a $\chi^2$ with fewer degrees of freedom but this does not work in the heteroskedastic case if the parameters not in the subset are weakly identified... There is a long litterature on this, I think this summarizes the issue well: