Generalized Linear Model – Why Beta/Dirichlet Regression Are Not Considered GLMs

beta-regressiondirichlet-regressiongeneralized linear model

The premise is this quote from vignette of R package betareg1.

Further-more, the model shares some properties (such as linear
predictor, link function, dispersion parameter) with generalized
linear models (GLMs; McCullagh and Nelder 1989), but it is not a
special case of this framework (not even for fixed dispersion)

This answer also makes allusion to the fact:

[…] This is a type of regression model that is appropriate when the
response variable is distributed as Beta. You can think of it as
analogous to a generalized linear model. It's exactly what you are
looking for […] (emphasis mine)

Question title says it all: why Beta/Dirichlet Regression are not considered Generalized Linear Models (are they not)?

As far as I know, the Generalized Linear Model defines models built on the expectation of their dependent variables conditional on the independent ones.

$f$ is the link function that maps the expectation, $g$ is probability distribution, $Y$ the outcomes and $X$ the predictiors, $\beta$ are linear parameters and $\sigma^2$ the variance.

$$f\left(\mathbb E\left(Y\mid X\right)\right) \sim g(\beta X, I\sigma^2)$$

Different GLMs impose (or relax) the relationship between the mean and the variance, but $g$ must be a probability distribution in the exponential family, a desirable property which should improve robustness of the estimation if I recall correctly. The Beta and Dirichlet distributions are part of the exponential family, though, so I'm out of ideas.

[1] Cribari-Neto, F., & Zeileis, A. (2009). Beta regression in R.

Best Answer

Check the original reference:

Ferrari, S., & Cribari-Neto, F. (2004). Beta regression for modelling rates and proportions. Journal of Applied Statistics, 31(7), 799-815.

as the authors note, the parameters of re-parametrized beta distribution are correlated, so

Note that the parameters $\beta$ and $\phi$ are not orthogonal, in contrast to what is verified in the class of generalized linear regression models (McCullagh and Nelder, 1989).

So while the model looks like a GLM and quacks like a GLM, it does not perfectly fit the framework.

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