Solved – why are there loss functions AND auxiliary loss functions

loss-functionsneural networksself-study

I am a beginner reading neural networks. I wonder why there are loss functions, and then there are auxiliary loss functions. (By definition, 'auxiliary' would mean supplementary, help, support).

My question is:
Does constructing an auxiliary loss function mean that they come as an 'afterthought'? After the loss function has been created? So is the purpose of having an auxiliary loss function be to improve performance that cannot be done by the loss function alone?

Best Answer

It was common to use auxiliary loss functions at one time (Google Inception Net and PSPNet) because the auxiliary loss hedged against vanishing gradient at layers far away from the loss function. This has fallen out of favor; my suspicion is that residual connections, rectifier activtation variants, and improved initialization schemes made auxiliary losses unnecessary.