Solved – Why are the Degrees of Freedom for multiple regression n – k – 1? For linear regression, why is it n – 2?

multiple regression

I'm reading a textbook and I see this question:

enter image description here

So there are 200 women, and the DF is 196, implying that the equation for DF is $n – k – 1$. There are 3 variables: bp, age, and type so $k == 3$.
What's the intuition behind this?

Also, why is the degrees of freedom for linear regression n – 2?

enter image description here

Best Answer

In linear regression, the degrees of freedom of the residuals is:

$$ \mathit{df} = n - k^*$$

Where $k^*$ is the numbers of parameters you're estimating INCLUDING an intercept. (The residual vector will exist in an $n - k^*$ dimensional linear space.)

If you include an intercept term in a regression and $k$ refers to the number of regressors not including the intercept then $k^* = k + 1$.


  • It varies across statistics texts etc... how $k$ is defined, whether it includes the intercept term or not.)
  • My notation of $k^*$ isn't standard.


Simple linear regression:

In the simplest model of linear regression you are estimating two parameters:

$$ y_i = b_0 + b_1 x_i + \epsilon_i$$

People often refer to this as $k=1$. Hence we're estimating $k^* = k + 1 = 2$ parameters. The residual degrees of freedom is $n-2$.

Your textbook example:

You have 3 regressors (bp, type, age) and an intercept term. You're estimating 4 parameters and the residual degrees of freedom is $n - 4$.

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