Solved – Why are most standard goodness of fit tests based only on continuous distributions

chi-squared-testcontinuous datadistributionsvalidation

I tried to search info regarding this fact but I don't really understand why most of the standard goodness of fit tests (e.g. Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Anderson-Darling, a part of the Chi-square test, perhaps!) work only with continuous distributions. Can someone help me?
Thank You.

Best Answer

The reason for the KS test is that its generality, e.g. it's usefulness for non-parametric models comes from the definition of the test statistic under the assumption of the CDF being continuous.

Where we define the KS Statistic as

$$D_n(F) = \max\left(D_n^+(F), D_n^-(F)\right)$$

$$D_n^+(F) = \sup_{x \in \mathbb{R}} [F_n(x) - F(x)]$$

(and the reverse for $D_n^-(F)$).

Then under the null $D_n^+(F) = \max_{0 \le i \le n} \left( F_n(x_i) - F(X_{(i)}) \right)$

Recall that under the null $F(X_{(i)})$ is continuous uniform on $(0,1)$ so the distribution of $F$ doesn't matter.

So you can create your own K-S like test for any discrete distribution, but it won't be a generalized test.

Reference/Citation, Mathematical Statistics (Shao 2010)