Time Series Forecasting – Why Gaussian Processes Are Valid Statistical Models

autocorrelationforecastinggaussian processtime series

Duplicates disclaimer: I know about the question

Time series forecasting using Gaussian Process regression

but this is not a duplicate, because that question is only concerned with modifications to the covariance function, while I argue that actually the noise term has to be modified too.

Question: in time series model, the usual assumption of nonparametric regression (iid data) fails, because residuals are autocorrelated. Now, Gaussian Process Regression is a form of nonparametric regression, because the underlying model is, assuming we have a iid sample $D=\{(t_i,y_i)\}_{i=1}^N$:

$$y_i = \mathcal{GP}(t_i)+\epsilon_i,\ i=1,\dots,N$$

where $\mathcal{GP}(t)$ is a Gaussian Process, with a mean function $mu(t)$ (usually assumed to be 0) and a covariance function $k(t,t')$, while $\epsilon\sim\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma)$. We then use Bayesian inference to compute the posterior predictive distribution, given the sample $D$.

However, in time series data, the sample is not iid. Thus:

  1. how do we justify the use of such a model?
  2. since the mean function for time series forecasting with GPs is usually assumed to be zero, when I compute a forecast sufficiently far in the future, I expect it will revert to the mean of the data. This seems a particularly poor choice, because I would like to be able (in principle) to forecast as far in the future as I want, and the model manage to get the overall time trend right, with just an increase in the prediction uncertainty (see the case below with an ARIMA model):

enter image description here

how is this taken care of, when using GPs for time series forecasting?

Best Answer

Some relevant concepts may come along in the question Why does including latitude and longitude in a GAM account for spatial autocorrelation?

If you use Gaussian processing in regression then you include the trend in the model definition $y(t) = f(t,\theta) + \epsilon(t)$ where those errors are $\epsilon(t) \sim \mathcal{N}(0,{\Sigma})$ with $\Sigma$ depending on some function of the distance between points.

In the case of your data, CO2 levels, it might be that the periodic component is more systematic than just noise with a periodic correlation, which means you might be better of by incorporating it into the model

Demonstration using the DiceKriging model in R.

The first image shows a fit of the trend line $y(t) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 t + \beta_2 t^2 +\beta_3 \sin(2 \pi t) + \beta_4 \sin(2 \pi t)$.

The 95% confidence interval is much smaller than compared with the arima image. But note that the residual term is also very small and there are a lot of datapoints. For comparison three other fits are made.

  • A simpler (linear) model with less datapoints is fit. Here you can see the effect of the error in the trend line causing the prediction confidence interval to increase when extrapolating further away (this confidence interval is also only as much correct as the model is correct).
  • An ordinary least squares model. You can see that it provides more or less the same confidence interval as the Gaussian process model
  • An ordinary Kriging model. This is a gaussian process without the trend included. The predicted values will be equal to the mean when you extrapolate far away. The error estimate is large because the residual terms (data-mean) are large.

example example example example


# data
y <- as.numeric(co2)
x <- c(1:length(y))/12

# design-matrix 
# the model is a linear sum of x, x^2, sin(2*pi*x), and cos(2*pi*x)
xm <- cbind(rep(1,length(x)),x, x^2, sin(2*pi*x), cos(2*pi*x))
colnames(xm) <- c("i","x","x2","sin","cos")

# fitting non-stationary Gaussian processes 
epsilon <- 10^-3
fit1 <- km(formula= ~x+x2+sin+cos, 
          design = as.data.frame(xm[,-1]), 
          response = as.data.frame(y),
          covtype="matern3_2", nugget=epsilon)

# fitting simpler model and with less data (5 years)
epsilon <- 10^-3
fit2 <- km(formula= ~x, 
           design = data.frame(x=x[120:180]), 
           response = data.frame(y=y[120:180]),
           covtype="matern3_2", nugget=epsilon)

# fitting OLS
fit3 <- lm(y~1+x+x2+sin+cos, data = as.data.frame(cbind(y,xm)))

# ordinary kriging 
epsilon <- 10^-3
fit4 <- km(formula= ~1, 
           design = data.frame(x=x), 
           response = data.frame(y=y),
           covtype="matern3_2", nugget=epsilon)

# predictions and errors
newx <- seq(0,80,1/12/4)
newxm <- cbind(rep(1,length(newx)),newx, newx^2, sin(2*pi*newx), cos(2*pi*newx))
colnames(newxm) <- c("i","x","x2","sin","cos")
# using the type="UK" 'universal kriging' in the predict function
# makes the prediction for the SE take into account the variance of model parameter estimates
newy1 <- predict(fit1, type="UK", newdata = as.data.frame(newxm[,-1]))
newy2 <- predict(fit2, type="UK", newdata = data.frame(x=newx))
newy3 <- predict(fit3, interval = "confidence", newdata = as.data.frame(x=newxm))
newy4 <- predict(fit4, type="UK", newdata = data.frame(x=newx))

# plotting
plot(1959-1/24+newx, newy1$mean,
 col = 1, type = "l",
 xlim = c(1959, 2039), ylim=c(300, 480),
 xlab = "time [years]", ylab = "atmospheric CO2 [ppm]")
polygon(c(rev(1959-1/24+newx), 1959-1/24+newx), c(rev(newy1$lower95), newy1$upper95), 
        col = rgb(0,0,0,0.3), border = NA)
points(1959-1/24+x, y, pch=21, cex=0.3, col=1, bg="white")
title("Gausian process with polynomial + trigonometric function for trend")

# plotting
plot(1959-1/24+newx, newy2$mean,
 col = 2, type = "l",
 xlim = c(1959, 2010), ylim=c(300, 380),
 xlab = "time [years]", ylab = "atmospheric CO2 [ppm]")
polygon(c(rev(1959-1/24+newx), 1959-1/24+newx), c(rev(newy2$lower95), newy2$upper95), 
        col = rgb(1,0,0,0.3), border = NA)
points(1959-1/24+x, y, pch=21, cex=0.5, col=1, bg="white")
points(1959-1/24+x[120:180], y[120:180], pch=21, cex=0.5, col=1, bg=2)
title("Gausian process with linear function for trend")

# plotting
plot(1959-1/24+newx, newy3[,1],
     col = 1, type = "l",
     xlim = c(1959, 2039), ylim=c(300, 480),
     xlab = "time [years]", ylab = "atmospheric CO2 [ppm]")
polygon(c(rev(1959-1/24+newx), 1959-1/24+newx), c(rev(newy3[,2]), newy3[,3]), 
        col = rgb(0,0,0,0.3), border = NA)
points(1959-1/24+x, y, pch=21, cex=0.3, col=1, bg="white")
title("Ordinory linear regression with polynomial + trigonometric function for trend")

# plotting
plot(1959-1/24+newx, newy4$mean,
 col = 1, type = "l",
 xlim = c(1959, 2039), ylim=c(300, 480),
 xlab = "time [years]", ylab = "atmospheric CO2 [ppm]")
polygon(c(rev(1959-1/24+newx), 1959-1/24+newx), c(rev(newy4$lower95), newy4$upper95), 
        col = rgb(0,0,0,0.3), border = NA, lwd=0.01)
points(1959-1/24+x, y, pch=21, cex=0.5, col=1, bg="white")
title("ordinary kriging")