Solved – Which t-test to use for a two-group pre- post-test design

hypothesis testingrepeated measurest-test

I have data on 26 participants (13 from computing and remaining 13 from non computing) who have participated in my research. Each participant is treated with a lab module (Hands on Robotics Session). Now each participant will be evaluated using a rubric on scale of 1 to 4. This experiment has both pre and post test.

For my research i want to evaluate the following questions:

Research question 1

  • Null Hypothesis: students do not learn about computational thinking (programming basics and algorithmic thinking) with the help of robotics.
  • Alternate Hypothesis: Students learn about computational thinking (programming basics and algorithmic thinking) with the help of robotics.

To evaluate the above question, the categories i will be considering are Plan, Implementation and Knowledge gained on a scale of Excellent, Good, Fair and Poor.

I think i should use DEPENDENT T-TEST FOR PAIRED SAMPLES. Am i correct?

Research question 2:

  • Null Hypothesis: Participants background (computing and non computing) has no effect in learning about algorithmic thinking with help of robotics
  • Alternate Hypothesis:Participants background (computing and non computing) has an effect in learning about algorithmic thinking with help of robotics

I will also evaluate question 2 on a scale of Excellent, Good, Fair and Poor, but with respect to background.

My Statistical Question

Which T test should I use for each of my research questions?

Best Answer

Since you are interested in measuring an increase pre- and post-test, it seems to me that you should use a paired test.

An issue here is that your variables are likely non Gaussian since they are among 4 categories. If your sample size is big (very roughly larger than 50), then it is no big deal. Otherwise, I would use the Wilcoxon signed rank test which is a non parametric analog of the paired t-test.

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