Solved – Which statistical test to use for Likert scale questionaire

hypothesis testinglikertspss

I need help on determining what tests to use in SPSS. Let me provide some background on my research:

  1. I am doing a research on system automation of leave management in a company (which is still using a manual paper form to apply for leave).
  2. My hypothesis validates the automation of the different processes (independent variables) on the overall improvement of the leave management process (dependent). My control variables are age, gender and dept.
  3. I have developed a prototype of a system and provided a questionnaire in the form of a 5-point Likert scale to the participant. (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree).
  4. The questions measures their response on the statement provided on the test evaluation of the system. These questions are categorised based on the hypothesis.

Where do I start?

Best Answer

It sounds like your response (or "dependent") variable is perception of improvement eg individuals' response to a statement "leave management is better now than it was" (agree/disagree etc). Assuming this is the case, you first need to clarify that you don't really test the hypothesis of improvement of the system, only retrospective perceptions of it.

Putting that aside and given the data that you apparently have, it sounds like the technique you need is ordinal regression. A quick google suggests this is possible in SPSS (I'm not an SPSS user so I won't try to recommend any of the links).

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