Solved – Which method is correct? (generalized additive model, mgcv)

data visualizationgeneralized-additive-modelmgcvrtime series

If possible could you please let me know if I am on the right track? I don't know anyone who works with GAMs who I can ask and I would be so appreciative of any help I receive. I use mgcv in R.

My data is daily flower counts ('Total'), with different plant genetic lines ('RIL') and 4 different treatments ('Trt'). I basically want to compare the 4 treatments and see if there is a difference in flower production over time between them. Are the shapes of the flowering curves different?

An example of my gam:

gam1 <- gam(Total ~ Trt * RIL + s(DateNum, k = 9, bs = "fs") + s(Plant, bs = "re"), data=ce1230)

I understand that using anova.gam(gam1) I can see if there is a significant difference between treatments and rils. However when I plot gam1, it shows one curve that represents everything. I was hoping to see a plot with separate curves for each of my 4 treatments. Does this mean that I need to make gamtrt1, gamtrt2, gamtrt3, gamtrt4 and somehow compare the separate gams to each other? or use the original anova(gam1) and just plot each treatment separately? Or am I looking at this the entirely wrong way?

Best Answer

I would first try an ANOVA and look at that F-test. If it rejects that, there is evidence that there is variation between treatments. After that, since your outcome if count data, I would do a poisson regression. Unlike GAMs where it can be hard to test the important of effects, Poisson regression gives you your usually p-values which makes it simple to see which things are important to causing the differences in your data.

If there is significnet difference between your mean and variance, (poisson says that they should be the same), modify the poisson regression with a Poisson-Gamma model.

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