Solved – Which is applicable, ordinal or multinomial regression model

hypothesis testinglogisticmultinomial-distributionordered-logitregression

I have done a job satisfaction survey where the DV is a 7 point Likert type scale and 5 IVs with 6 point Likert-type scale and 6 IVs with 5 point Likert type scale, all ordinal.

Which type of analysis is suitable for this kind of study? Between ordinal and multinomial regression which is best suited to analyze IVs that would predict the DV?

Best Answer

The answer mainly depends on what you want to use those models for and how well these models fit your data. So I would just start by thinking what you want to do with the results once the computer program spits them out at you. This often helps in narrowing down the options. After that, just fit the remaining models and stare at them till you understand each of the outcomes and where the differences between models come from. The latter especially often helps in determining which model is most useful for your application.