Solved – Which is a good tool to compute parameters for a beta-distribution

beta distributiondistributionsestimation

I have a β-distribution(which looks like a normal distribution), for which I want to calculate the values of α and β using maximum likelihood estimation method. I am new to statistics, so would like to know if there is any tool available which can be used to compute these parameters.

PS: Similar question has been answered before, but the solutions were focused towards using R statistical package. I am looking for an out of the box solution, or a solution I can code in a standard scripting language like python.

Best Answer

Unless you have some good reason to prefer the likelihood estimates to moment estimates, you may want to use the latter, as they are much easier to compute for this case. The wikipedia article on the beta distribution helpfully has the moment estimators written out in closed form as well as a note that the MLE does not have a closed form solution. If you want the MLE, you will have to program an algorithm to find it (not hard, but probably unnecessary effort).

Method of Moments Estimators from


enter image description here


enter image description here

The method of moments estimators for the two parameters are:

enter image description here enter image description here