Solved – When the confidence interval of an odds ratio includes one, can the p-value be less than 0.05

confidence intervalodds-ratiop-value

When the confidence interval of an odds ratio includes one, can the p-value be less than 0.05?

For example,

odds ratio = 0.54  confidence interval ( 0.29 - 1.01 ) and 
p value is 0.039.

In this situation can we consider the effect to be statistically significant or not?
Or is something wrong?

Best Answer

If the confidence interval and the test are not quite based on the same calculation (in at least the somewhat loose sense that they give the same partial order to the sample space), then in some cases the two won't exactly correspond.

There are a number of cases where the usual interval and test are based on different statistics that give similar but not quite identical results.

If you give some more details of where (in what program) you saw this output and what data and commands you got it with, we might be able to give more details.