Solved – When is t-SNE misleading

data visualizationdimensionality reductiontsne

Quoting from one of the authors:

t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) is a (prize-winning) technique for dimensionality reduction that is particularly well suited for the visualization of high-dimensional datasets.

So it sounds pretty great, but that is the Author talking.

Another quote from the author (re: the aforementioned competition):

What have you taken away from this competition?
Always visualize your data first, before you start to train predictors on the data! Oftentimes, visualizations such as the ones I made provide insight into the data distribution that may help you in determining what types of prediction models to try.

Information must1 be being lost — it is a dimensionality reduction technique afterall.
However, as it is a good technique to use when visualising,
the information lost is less valuable than the information highlighted (/made visible/comprehend-able through reduction to 2 or 3 dimensions).

So my question is:

  • When is tSNE the wrong tool for the job?
  • What kind of datasets cause it to not function,
  • What kind of questions does it look like it can answer, but it actually can not?
  • In the second quote above it is recommended to always visualise your dataset, should this visualisation always be done with tSNE?

I expect that this question might be best answered in the converse, ie answering: When is tSNE the right tool for the job?

I have been cautioned not to rely on tSNE to tell me how easy data will be classifiable (separated into classes — a discriminative model)
The example of it being misleading was,
that, for the two images below, a generative model2 was worse for the data visualised in the first/left (accuracy 53.6%) than an equivalent one for the second/right (accuracy 67.2%).


1 I could be wrong about this I may sit down and try at a proof/counter example later

2 note that a generative model is not the same as a discriminitive model, but this is the example I was given.

Best Answer

T-Sne is a reduction technique that maintains the small scale structure (i.e. what is particularly close to what) of the space, which makes it very good at visualizing data separability. This means that T-Sne is particularly useful for early visualization geared at understanding the degree of data separability. Other techniques (PCA for example) leave data in lower dimensional representations projected on top of each other as dimensions disappear, which makes it very difficult to make any clear statement about separability in the higher dimensional space.

So for example, if you get a T-Sne graph with lots of overlapping data, odds are high that your classifier will perform badly, no matter what you do. Conversely, if you see clearly separated data in the T-Sne graph, then the underlying, high-dimensional data contains sufficient variability to build a good classifier.

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