Solved – When and why do we use sparse coding


Sparse coding is described as "given an input $X$, finding a latent representation $h$ such that h is sparse and the input can be reconstructed as well as possible." (source:

My question is why do we want to find a latent representation ? I mean, what's the benefit of sparse coding? Why do we want to reconstruct the input if we have it in the first place? To which type of problem would we say: "Ok! I am going to use sparse coding for that!"

Best Answer

Parsimony. Sparse representations of a signal are easier to describe because they're short and highlight the essential features. This can be helpful if one wants to understand the signal, the process that generated it, or other systems that interact with it.

Denoising. In this context, the measured signal is a mixture of some underlying/true signal and noise. The goal is to remove the noise. If the underlying signal is sparse in some basis (which is often the case for interesting signals) and the noise is not (e.g. white noise), then denoising can be done by constructing a sparse approximation of the measured signal.

Data compression The goal here is to store the signal, transmit it over a communication channel, or perform further processing on it. These operations require memory, communication, and computational resources that scale with the size of the signal. Sparse coding can be used to compress a set of signals, reducing the resources needed.

Compressed sensing The goal here is to measure signals efficiently by exploiting knowledge about their structure. This allows more efficient storage and transmission, and may also allow measurements to be made more quickly. Typically, specialized hardware is involved. If a signal is known to be sparse in some basis, it's possible to acquire it using fewer measurements than would otherwise be necessary. The original signal can then be reconstructed from the reduced set of measurements. Sometimes a class of signals is known a priori to be sparse in a particular basis. For example, natural images are sparse in the wavelet basis. In this case, the known basis can be used to design the measurement and reconstruction procedure. But, if the basis isn't known, it can be learned from a set of example signals using sparse coding (aka dictionary learning).

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