Solved – What’s the relation between deep learning and extreme learning machine

deep learningneural networks

Often I have found deep learning and extreme learning machine discussed together.

Based on my little knowledge of the subject my impression is that they are different methods with different aims.

So what's the relation between deep learning and extreme learning machine ?
Is there any important paper that I am missing and that I should read?

Best Answer

Extreme learning machines and deep learning are slightly related, but advocate quite adversary concepts.

ELMs are neural nets with a single hidden layer, where the first weight matrix is initialized randomly. This allows the output matrix to be estimated via least squares, which is very quickly done.

Deep learning, on the other hand, is the learning of deep architectures (e.g. deep neural nets). Depending on the strategy, all the layers are optimized jointly or greedily.

Long story short. ELM says: "only learn the last layer". Deep learning says: "Learn all the layers." It seems that DL is much more successfull than ELMs.

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