Solved – What’s the Kendall Tau’s distance between these 2 rankings


ranking i: {3, 1, 2}

ranking j: {2, 1, 3}

I am referring to the Wikipedia page here, and to calculate the Kendall distance, I just need to count the number of times the values in ranking i are in the opposite order of the values in ranking j.

3 < 1 in ranking i, but 3 > 1 in ranking j

3 < 2 in ranking i, but 3 > 2 in ranking j

1 < 2 in ranking i, but 1 > 2 in ranking j

There are 3 switches, so the Kendall distance is 3. However when I call a function to calculate the Kendall's distance in R, it returns 1. What's the correct Kendall's distance between these 2 rankings?

Best Answer

The Kendall tau distance in your case is, indeed, 1.

See the following python code:

import itertools

def kendallTau(A, B):
    pairs = itertools.combinations(range(0, len(A)), 2)

    distance = 0

    for x, y in pairs:
        a = A[x] - A[y]
        b = B[x] - B[y]

        # if discordant (different signs)
        if (a * b < 0):
            distance += 1

    return distance

ranking_i = [3, 1, 2]
ranking_j = [2, 1, 3]
assert kendallTau(ranking_i, ranking_j) == 1
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