Solved – What’s a good introduction to simulated method of moments and the extended path technique

method of momentsreferencessimulation

I'm reading a paper by Stephane Adjémian on DSGE modeling with a zero lower bound for the nominal interest rate, and he's using what he describes as the simulated method of moments / extended path. Has anyone worked with these techniques? What would you say is the next step toward gaining familiarity with them for someone who has a bit of a background in GMM estimation.

I know that the main paper is McFadden (1989), but does anyone know of a textbook treatment of this material? I'd like to avoid having to worry about probability theory if possible.

Best Answer

Chapter 5:
Chapter 12: (Cameron&Trivedi textbook)
Chapter 15: (Greene's 7th edition)
This one discusses the general issues and is freely available:
And I also recall that the handbook of econometrics chapter on simulation (40) is particularly readable.

Edited to remove extra links as only 2 are allowed.

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