Solved – What’s a component in gaussian mixture model

mixture-distributionmultivariate analysisnormal distribution

What is the relation between a dimension and a component in a Gaussian Mixture Model? And what are the meanings of dimension and component? Thank you.

Please correct me if Im wrong: my understanding is the observed data have many dimensions. Each dimension represents a feature/aspect of the collected data and has its own Gaussian distribution. I don't know where "component" fits into this picture and what it means.

Best Answer

A mixture of Gaussians is defined as a linear combination of multiple Gaussian distributions. Thus it has multiple modes. The dimension refers to the data (e.g. the color, length, width, height and material of a shoe) while the number of components refers to the model. Each Gaussian in your mixture is one component. Thus each component will correspond to one mode, in most of the cases.

I suggest you read up on mixture models on wikipedia.

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