Solved – What type of regression will improve the prediction for these data

curve fittingregression

I'm quite new to regression problems in general. I have a simple data with 1 feature. I am trying to fit a regression model so that I can predict on new data set. So far, I tried to fit a linear regression and result are as below (input x plotted on x-axis and output y plotted on y-axis):
enter image description here

I wanted to ask what other regression models I can try to get better fit?

I coded up polynomial regression and as per suggested I tried 3rd order polynomial. Also higher order polynomials were clearly overfitted. I also tried to predict in (-2.5 – 2.5) range. Here's what I got:
enter image description here

Best Answer

Your data seems slightly S-shaped, so you could try a cubic (higher order polynomial than cubic runs the risk of overfitting).

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